Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wednesday Wrap up

I am bad at live blogging. Sue me.

Today my phone doesn't work, which has sent me into a dimension of confused isolation I can barely relate in text. I think it might have been the electrical storm last night. Ohio has sought out to make my existence a fit of bizarre oddity of weather including tornado watches, flood warnings and soon, 95 degree weather.

I have become exhausted. I tried to learn flash today. It was very frustrating but I am committed to it. I love animating in keynote and flash seems like the natural extension. I spent 4 hours trying to make it work today. It was going fine, but then nothing started to make sense and I ended up just trying to get something that resembled a finished product. I'll see about posting it tomorrow.


Phill said...

Flash is sort of scary. I'm teaching myself (slowly) After Effects. That's blowing my mind.

I think the exhaustion of an institute like this takes a serious toll, though.

As do the Brosephs.

Douglas Walls, PhD said...
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Douglas Walls, PhD said...

the Brosephs have got their AC working. They have increased in coolness, literally, with me as a result. Let us hope that they do not clog it with sweet huka sage.