Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday Morning and Afternoon

Spent the morning talking about theory and new media in some classrooms. Debra Journet talked about the article she did with some of her grad students and showed Truman's piece from that. Interesting stuff. Especially seeing similarities in medial environments. Then we worked with Sophie, which is an interactive book work. Later, I'll place some links up. We saw some beautiful stuff with it but I will be damned if I can do anything with it. Really, I think as a compiling environment for a project, it might be awesome but right now, as a composing environment it is a nightmare. Which, of course, makes me think of students who try and compose/think/draft in a language that is unfamiliar to them never getting the idea down because the language itself is getting in the way. Me, I'd rather draft in keynote and Pages then move to Sophie.

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